Monday, March 30, 2020

Monday, March 30th

Bonjour 6e,

I hope everyone had a nice Spring break... As you know, we (teachers) are starting to get organize with D2L for our online learning. Mme Vicky and I will be collaboration and will share information with you on the same D2L page. So, most assignments will be evaluated in FLA and Social Studies.

This week will be use as a review, it's been two weeks since we talked about L'Athènes antique. I posted this afternoon in content the PowerPoints and notes (+ a review table) from earlier in March. I also posted a review Mots Croisés that you can do. I will post the answers Friday, so you can correct yourself.

Next week, we will give you some more information on the assignment you were suppose to do the week before Spring break. It will be pretty similar to what I already explained, but with a FLA rubric too.

Well grade 6 it appears as though we will only be seeing each other digitally for a while! I will be posting what you need to know here but I have also set up a D2L shell for you to find information and hand your work in. Please be patient as all your teachers are doing their best to make this seamless for you, and your parents! I hope you have been keeping up with your reading over the last 2 weeks.
I would like to connect with my 6.1 students on Tuesday April 7th at 1:00. So on Friday you can expect to see a link on this blog page to join up for a GoogleMeet. It is super easy and fun because I will be able to see and hear you all and you will also be able to see your classmates! So keep reading and we will "see" each other soon.


Voici ton travail pour cette semaine (31 mars au 3 avril):  Révision des angles 
Ouvrir le lien suivant (accepter le programme « Adobe Flash Player »)

*Sélectionner ‘’LECONS’’ et compléter les leçons.  (C’est interactif et intéressant)
*Les ‘’stratégies, glossaire et jeux’’ qui apparaissent à gauche ne doivent pas être faits.   
*Sélectionner et compléter les exercices qui apparaissent en bas de l’écran. (Je ne ramasse pas ce travail)
*Les réponses des exercices apparaissent dans l’espace « parents »
*Tu pourras imprimer le glossaire pour mieux te préparer pour ton évaluation. (Si tu n’as pas ton cahier de notes.)
*Tu devras compléter un travail (évaluation) qui comptera pour une note dans le bulletin.  Les exigences de ce travail te seront expliquées dans le Blog vendredi le 3 avril.

J’aimerais aussi que tu vérifies si tu as accès a D2L car certaines activités futures seront sur D2L. Vérifie ton ID et mot de passe (password). Si ton mot de passe ne fonctionne pas, tu peux appeler à l’école et parler à la secrétaire.  Elle va t’aider.
Amuses-toi bien et reste à la maison et prend bien soin de ta santé. 

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

March 20th

Hello my dear students! Go outside every day and read. That's what you need to do. You will be missed so please know you can email me any time. Keep checking the blog. Here are some websites to get you started:
Here is my D2L shell:
As soon as I hear more information, I will let you know via this BLOG and D2L.


It is sad that we had to cancelled the Math Test planned for March 16th on the unit of Angles in Geometry.  I am sure you would have done very well as you were well prepared for it.  Keep your notebooks and assignments well organized for future learning. In the meantime, you can practice some Math with those free resources:   (You should focus on fractions, ratios and %)

Math games:

Friday, March 13, 2020

Week 26: March 13th


Études pour l’examen de Math sur les ANGLES le 16 mars 2020
Reconnaitre les différents types d’angles (aigus, obtus, rentrants, plats, droits)
Mesurer un angle avec un rapporteur
Trouver la quantités d’unités dans un cercle et un demi-cercle (1 unité = 45°)
Placer les angles en ordre croissant (du plus petit au plus grand)
Tracer et dessiner les angles
Connaitre la somme des angles d’un triangle ou d’un quadrilatère
Nommer les angles     ex :           ABC
Reconnaitre les différents quadrilatères (carrés, rectangles, losange, cerfs-volants, parallélogrammes, trapèzes)
Problèmes à résoudre avec les angles
Calculer les angles sans rapporteur (par calcul)

We finish the unit on Angle and starting "Fractions, rapports et pourcentages".  There are the homework for the week.


Excellent work on your Book Talk Projects! For those of you who did not yet get a chance to present, please share a digital version of your work (picture, video, slide) so I can give you a mark for the representation piece.


This week, students finished their letter assignment.  If they are not done, they should finish it on their own time (in class or at lunch).  Students took notes on pronouns and worked on this worksheet: Les pronoms.

We had a reading comprehension evaluation this Thursday and an oral comprehension evaluation (Tintin) this Friday.  Marks will be posted no later than Monday.

Futhermore, I will confiscate any Rubik's Cube that is used at an inappropriate time, such as when there are presentations, during lessons or when students should be working.  While I agree they can help improve memory or keep the mind active, they should not be used while students should be listening or working.  The only time I will agree to let students use their Rubik's Cube in class, will be when they show me their completed work done satisfactorily.  If I confiscate a Rubik's Cube, the student it belongs to is responsible to get it back at the end of the class.

Social Studies:

This week we continued to learn about the Ancient Athens democracy and the difference with our current way of doing it. Next week, as I will be away to Bamfield with grade 9s, students will work on making a traveling guide about Athens and the history of the important buildings.